Contents (But note that the contents have changed since this was put here.)
Keywords: Globalisation & Trade;
Preface: Globalisation Is Not Just Jargon.
Part I: Globalisation
Chapter 1: The Analytics of Globalisation
Chapter 2: The Significance of Location:Polynesia
Chapter 3: When Distance Changed: Refrigeration
Chapter 4: Regional Integration and Plant Economies of Scale: United States
Chapter 5: Cities and Industry Economies of Scale: New York
Chapter 6: The Indeterminancy of Location: Finland’s Nokia
Chapter 7: Intra-Industry Trade: The Motor Vehicle Industry
Chapter 8: When Services Become Tradeables: Bangalore
Chapter 9: Labour Mobility: Mexico and US
Chapter 10: Resources: Oil
Chapter 11: Technology Transfer: Japan
Chapter 12: The Rich Club: Argentina
Chapter 13: The Poor Club: Africa
Chapter 14: Why There is No Significant Middle Club: The Bifurcation Model
Chapter 15: The Pattern of World Development: China
Part II: Nations
Chapter 16: Nationalism: Germany
Chapter 17: Is Cultural Convergence Inevitable?: Canada–United States
Chapter 18: Diasporas: Australia
Chapter 19: Migration: The World’s Population
Chapter 20: The Meaning of Sovereignty: The Globalisation of Time
Chapter 21: Is Policy Convergence Inevitable?: Healthcare
Chapter 22: The Social Market Economy: France and Holland
Chapter 23: Foreign Investment: McDonalds?
Chapter 24: The WTO: Saudi Arabia or Russia?
Chapter 25: Kinds of Nations: New Zealand
Conclusion: Distance Looks Our Way
This research is funded by the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand)